Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fake Christians & Church †

I've always hated fake Christians. People who ask you to praise the Lord and are holy as fuck one minute, then the next, tell you you're the devil and going to hell when you piss them off. Why play with God like that? You can quote several scriptures off the top of your head...but do you really know/feel what they mean? That's also like people who say "oh I don't smoke weed, drink, curse, or have sex on Sunday's......that's the Lord's day." You think God likes you playing with him? Be how you are everyday, all day, that's what he wants. The REAL! I've had people tell me I'm goin to hell because I don't go to church, when in all actuality God was pissed with the church when he saw it'd become something different from his vision (check your bibles again people). Same reason I hate goin to church because of hypocrites and shit. Taking collection 9 times throughout the service, empty ass messages, more singing than praise. I'm cool on that. Don't shoot me down about being sacrilegious. I KNOW Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So don't say my contempt for fake Christians comes from not having faith of my own. Or not living my life in a way which would upset God. Now I won't release the name of the person who left me the above email, and text, but this is someone whom I THOUGHT was a true person of God. I had no ideas or suspicions to think any other way. That shit came from left field after I said "either we can be friends or nothing". I was nothing but genuine and honest with this woman too. From the beginning, informing her that I am not interested in having or beginning a relationship. Yet and still she took more and more steps ahead without checking in with me first. Now that we no longer talk, attacks against my manhood are posted all over the internet, which i don't care about. Talk about me loving porn, but you enjoyed many "ungodly" sexual acts with me. Threatening me with God, that's not what he wants. You of all people should understand and know that that isn't how he wants his word spread...through fear. You all know how I feel about subliminal messages. I didn't send the blog right away, because i wanted time to pass. I didn't wanna go in on this subject until the anger had subsided. I don't apologize for anything I have did/done and I don't look back on my life. People get one chance with me. You fuck that up, that's on you. I even gave this person an opportunity of friendship. An opportunity to let this go and move on from here. No. Attacks were made against me, my religious beliefs questions and unfair assumptions were made. This person further helped me see into and understand "deeply" religious people or so called Christians and their true methods. I'm done speaking on this subject. Seriously.

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