Thursday, January 28, 2010
Fake Christians & Church †
I've always hated fake Christians. People who ask you to praise the Lord and are holy as fuck one minute, then the next, tell you you're the devil and going to hell when you piss them off. Why play with God like that? You can quote several scriptures off the top of your head...but do you really know/feel what they mean? That's also like people who say "oh I don't smoke weed, drink, curse, or have sex on Sunday's......that's the Lord's day." You think God likes you playing with him? Be how you are everyday, all day, that's what he wants. The REAL! I've had people tell me I'm goin to hell because I don't go to church, when in all actuality God was pissed with the church when he saw it'd become something different from his vision (check your bibles again people). Same reason I hate goin to church because of hypocrites and shit. Taking collection 9 times throughout the service, empty ass messages, more singing than praise. I'm cool on that. Don't shoot me down about being sacrilegious. I KNOW Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So don't say my contempt for fake Christians comes from not having faith of my own. Or not living my life in a way which would upset God. Now I won't release the name of the person who left me the above email, and text, but this is someone whom I THOUGHT was a true person of God. I had no ideas or suspicions to think any other way. That shit came from left field after I said "either we can be friends or nothing". I was nothing but genuine and honest with this woman too. From the beginning, informing her that I am not interested in having or beginning a relationship. Yet and still she took more and more steps ahead without checking in with me first. Now that we no longer talk, attacks against my manhood are posted all over the internet, which i don't care about. Talk about me loving porn, but you enjoyed many "ungodly" sexual acts with me. Threatening me with God, that's not what he wants. You of all people should understand and know that that isn't how he wants his word spread...through fear. You all know how I feel about subliminal messages. I didn't send the blog right away, because i wanted time to pass. I didn't wanna go in on this subject until the anger had subsided. I don't apologize for anything I have did/done and I don't look back on my life. People get one chance with me. You fuck that up, that's on you. I even gave this person an opportunity of friendship. An opportunity to let this go and move on from here. No. Attacks were made against me, my religious beliefs questions and unfair assumptions were made. This person further helped me see into and understand "deeply" religious people or so called Christians and their true methods. I'm done speaking on this subject. Seriously.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
^^now THAT'S SWAG!!^^
I don't try to be funny. Not nearly! I just genuinely am. Always been told I should've been a comedian. Used to think it was bullshit from chicks to get in my pants, but when I started laughin at my own shit I knew I was on to something lol I hurt feelings sometimes yes, don't give a fuck though personally, but you people know that already " ). I honestly can't pass up a good moment. If someone says/does some stupid shit I'm gonna go in on em. Partly has to be my avid love for cartoons. As well as my uncles (The Three Stooges). Pretty much all that my dvr is chocked full with. Comedic shows or cartoons. I LOVE IT! There was only one time in my life where I was set up beautifully and I didn't go for it. While I worked concerts @ the casino in 2008, Raz B and some dude walked up to me and asked me where the bathroom was. I told him, but also wanted to say....with the straightest face "hey man........I'm sorry about your asshole". The only thing that stopped me, I had my badge on with my name on it, and he seemed like the type to inform one of my superiors lol I can't explain why, I mean who doesn't like to laugh? My friend Ashleigh is a walking fuckin comic box. She doesn't try either! Upon me telling her I had a girlfriend she said...and I quote "well shit on me sideways and hide the toilet paper" lmmfao! I cry when I laugh too hard. My ribs sometimes hurt, chest full of pain...but I enjoy it " ). The same way I enjoy bringing comedy to people. I supposed that's where my randomess comes from? Because if you don't know me, ask anyone, I say/do off the wall shit. Sometimes it's just what I feel, or what feels like the right thing to do at the time. If people star @ me in public...why not give them a show? lol While in MD eating a restaurant, these 2 older ladies kept eyeballin me and my gave her the nastiest porno kiss ever (complete with tongue) and they were disgusted but WE were amused! lol There's another side to the coin however, with people who aren't funny. People who try too hard to be funny and end up annoying (that one atlanta based comedian on twitter for example). Also people who instead of allow their feelings or emotions to be read, they joke or send subliminal messages, or make inferances. When its clearly known "a lot of truth is said in jest". That's the only kind of comedy I don't tolerate.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
That like a lifeitme bond. Nothing should ever come before it. Solidarity, a fellowship stronger than anything. Too many times however I've run across just the opposite. Families split up or down the middle over lies and jealousy and other bullshit. Family is supposed to be FOREVER, you know? Who could you love or trust more than your blood? Why is it that there are snakes in families trying to get over on their own family? What's with the poison injected into kids heads when they are born to "stay away from that aunt, uncle, cousin, etc."? I speak not from the outside, but from within. I admit, both sides of my family (maternal, paternal) are jacked up. Because some people are selfish, greedy, or can't let go of the past. Families are supposed to be strong willed, bound together to do anything for each other. I haven't seen much of that anywhere, except my immediate family. Spoiled kids often bore more drama into families than necessary. When elders die, the glue of the damily so to speak, the family weakens and more greed is shown. Who gets what land, posessions, money, its fucking disgusting and terrible. Members of families not willing to sacrifice time to help another family member for a short period of time. Its pathetic. There are millions of people in the world, who would do for a complete stranger on the street than someone with their own last name and that's frightening. Luckily, and sadly, my immediate family can block out all of the negativity and remain a unit. I say sadly because it is truly disheartening when you have to block your your family to protect and preserve your immediate family. We haven't always been secluded, we've tried to mend and correction relationships and issues with the extended family, but we were often drawn into "sides". Like a retarded ass gang or some dumb shit. With it being so far gone, we just decided to remain together and not let any of it concern us, even though deeply it hurts everday.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
So many different things about her. Feelings I get, feelings I don't get. I smile when she smiles at me and when she kisses me. I don't feel any bullshit when she says she misses me. It gives me chills, chills I haven't had in a long time. I love it, this great feeling of mine. Not my intention to rhyme, but its something that she does to me. I don't feel sappy when she asks if she's buggin me. Sure she's said some things that I have heard in the past and recently, but I feel her sincerity and I believe her ass " ). Normally when other bitches flirt I get the urge to go for it, I always have. When im with her I just look at them an laugh. Shrug it off and keep moving cuz I love how she makes me feel. Im feeling like I finally have something real. Its been a long time coming, I been tired of random fucking, all these different girls now I've finally found a WOMAN. It's crazy because daily.....I find myself doing more and more things for her on my own, that I had to be told and/or reminded of in the past. Without thought I sacrifice what I like/love to please her. Her happiness means the world to me. Like it sounds sappy & cliche, but her happy makes ME happy. The feeling she brings me to me with everything she does is indescribable. Its early, but I know that I DO love her." )
And contrary to my thoughts from a past blog...She IS the red pill, and imma OD on the perscription " )
Bad Kids
I love kids #nopleasurep. Really, I do love em, but I HATE bad ass kids. Especially when they don't belong to anyone I know so I can smack the fuck out of them! This little boy out here in MD, gotta be like 5 or 6, and I wanted to steal 5 from him more than 10 times. Smart ass mouth, hard headed & just all out bad. Make me wanna kick the shit out of him, or Bernie Mac him (hit em in the throat or the stomach). I've noticed the actions of the parent tho. Always pushin em away and shruggin em off. SHEEEIT! My kids will know of my craziness early, so they're gonna be well behaved. I wasn't a bad kid so I know Imma take care of shit. And don't get me started on kids who fall out in stores...sheeit. I'd ask a parent, you want me to fuck em up for you? I don't get embarassed so I'm not worried about it in that aspect. Just that my kid showing out flippin on the floor in public does reflect me...and I will fuck em up for it. My ass used to slap myself when I didn't get my way or get shit. One day I did in the mall, Ma Dukes ROCKED my ass...I never smacked myself again lol. Some people say that violence isn't the way to discipline kids. I agree, not ALL the time. Sometimes kids are so far gone that you gotta lay in that ass. In closing however, women have often seen my relationship with kids and known/said that I'm going to be a great father...and I KNOW that I am. " ) My father was the dopest to me and gave me the formula, granted the ingredients and recipe will change with age, but it will only get better.
Royal Jerome Hutson will be a little gentleman.
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