Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I am VERY jealous. Never let me or anyone tell you otherwise. I won't say obsessively, but it is outta control sometimes. I'll get pissed if someone I was dealing with, whom I have no rights to or over, is making calls and comments and shit to or about someone else. Also, I sometimes get jealous about things that I don't even care about. Yeah, weird right? I hate that I chalk up most of my flaws to my spoiled child/lifehood but, shit....its the truth! Funny/fucked up part about it is...I like making people jealous. Ryan Double-Standard H lol Mr. Pot calling the kettle black. Some weird feeling or rush I get about it. I don't let it linger though. I let it get to a certain point then I soothe the person and let her know its good. Show her why its hers and no one elses " ) Just so she'd never have reason to be jealous again. It isn't on purpose, but I suppose it is sort of a test I have put women that I am interested  in through. A friend of mine said a few days ago, "You aren't in a relationship, but there are 'persons of interest'? You make em sound like they're applying for a job, or suspects in a case." That's pretty much the jist of it. Lol

1 comment:

  1. im extremely jealous too, but i wouldnt dare show it to anyone. i lost someone that way before cuz i can be too nonchalant to the point that they dont even think i care. i dont like guys to think im jealous b/c i feel like they might think they have some power over me.
